
Autonomous Navigation using Optical flow and its uncertainty

A pipeline to combine the data from LiDAR and Camera to obtain semantic painted point cloud. 

3D scene reconsdtruction and and simultaneous localization of a monocular camera.

Panorama image stitching using classical and Deep learning computer vision methods.

End-to-end pipeline to swap faces in a video using facial landmarks correspondences between faces.

Synthesize novel views of scenes by optimizing a continuous volumetric scene function using a sparse set of input views.

Zhang's camera calibration method implementation to estimate the camera intrinsics and distortion parameters

Trained a deep learning model to predict steering angles so that the vehicle can navigate autonomously in a Unity simulator environment.

Live video-feed processing pipeline to detect lane markings among other terrestrial features

Implementation of path planning algorithms like Astar, BFS, DFS, Dijkstra on an obstacle grid.